2013 was a productive and inspiring year full of new ideas, new people and collaborations.
With this 25min mixtape I present a sonic weave of past projects mixed with some new sounds I'm producing in 2014.
This is kind of a rough mix but basically I just wanted to get out some of the material from 2013 that either went unreleased, unused or still in demo stasis. Figured mixing this material with a recap of sounds from the 2013 would make for an interesting audio tapestry and a nice entry into the new year.

Amnion - MIXTAPE (2013-2014) [headphones recommended]

Oh.. and Happy New Year

Submitted my chosen top ten list for Bottle-Imp Productions.
Deciding on ten albums was a hard task as I think 2013 was a great year for music.
Click the link to read my list along with other Bottle-Imp artist choices.
Here's to more great sounds in 2014  


am·ni·on >the innermost membrane that encloses the embryo.

My photo
AMNION is the brainchild of Roderick Price and is the vehicle for his dark, brooding style of electronic music and sound design work.
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