I downloaded a video clip from the net and the result was a completely glitched up corrupted file. Seeing as though I had wasted my time downloading this useless file I decide to waste
some more time by syncing up some of my noisy sounds to the visual glitches. I found the abstract digital malfunction in this clip quite seductive in the way it shifted and jumped around.

In the end it was an fun exercise and perhaps not such a waste of time after all.

Noisy and glitchy. Comments welcome

This is my EP titled 'EXP1' released this year on Bottle Imp Productions.

The cover was designed by my good friend Glenn McComb. You check out some of his other photos on his web site at www.clinch.com.au
I chose this photo because it has a beautiful point of perspective that draws your eye into the image and focuses on the text 'Amnion'. The strong sharpness of the metal beams against the blurred backdrop create a great sense of depth and contrast between the background and foreground images. These contrasting elements, coupled with the seductive monochromatic tones, complement the music and successfully frames the listening experience in the context of industrial ambient sound scape music.

You can download 'EXP1' for free here.

If you would like to check out the sounds before you download the EP, go to my Amnion Myspace for an earful.

Also, check out my other sonic identity 'the Hills are Alive'


am·ni·on >the innermost membrane that encloses the embryo.

My photo
AMNION is the brainchild of Roderick Price and is the vehicle for his dark, brooding style of electronic music and sound design work.
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